Sales Price: $ 75,900.00
Down Payment: $ 5,000.00
Amount Financed: $ 70,900.00
Unpaid Principle Balance: $ 70,131.18
Taxes/Insurance Escrowed: YES
Interest Rate: 9%
Amoritization: 240
Note Payment: $ 637.91
Origination Date: 4-Mar-16
First Payment Date: 15-Apr-16
Maturity Date: 15-Mar-36
Note Position: 1st
Property Type: Doublewide
Note Sale Price: $ 57,306.00
Yield to Investor: 12%
York county. 3 bedroom 2 bath, 1450 sf double wide on 1 acre. Nice rural location. Great
place to raise a family or have some peace and quiet.
For more information, email or call 803-831-2875.