3 Cash Flow Rental Homes in Lancaster SC For only $22,500 each or $49,900 for all three! Save $17,600 by getting all three.
Rental Homes in Lancaster SC
The Numbers!
3 rented single family homes in Lancaster, SC
Total income $1050 + per month.
Total investment $49,900
All rented with stabilized long term tenants.
2% per month income which is unheard of!

This deal will not last long!
You will need, cash, private money or hard money and need to be able to close within 1-2 weeks, as our properties sell very fast.
All closings are held at a state licensed attorney office, just like any other real estate closing.
Please call our asset manager Daniel at 803-610-2164 or email Daniel@InvestorsRehab.com ASAP to get more pictures, details, availability status, and to schedule a viewing of the property.
CALL DANIEL NOW – 803-610-2164